In this generation,kids love playing games on digital devices, which does provide them any benefit but what if there is a platform that is able to provide education and skills with the help of fun games.Since our children, good skills is something which is important to have and when it indulges with innovation then learning becomes easier because innovation like gaming helps them to understand the concepts very easily. In this blog, we’re going to know about a website called Ezclasswork which helps in learning new skills with the help of different games. 

    Understand The EzClasswork

    Ezclasswork is just not a platform to get education but it is a gaming platform with tons of variety of different games to cater kids, and helping them to learn through these games. It has a different variety of games for kids. These games are not just for fun but also teaches you different skills which kids can use in schools and beyond their lives. It provides HTML5 games  and other different digital tools to make learning effective and fun. It is designed with purpose to operate on different devices to make it more accessible and can ever take benefits from it.

    How Does EzClasswork Work?

    The platform uses HTML5 gaming technique in order to provide a smoother surface for gaming. Kids cannot only learn science and maths but also learn arts and history also. Teachers can also upload assignments, track progress of students and even upload different courses on them. This platform has mini games for kids to play and helps them in understanding different concepts.

    Top games in EzClasswork


    Although EzClasswork has different types of games, some of the games were very popular among kids which they love to play here. Here is the list of these top 5 games.

    • Soul jumper: It mainly focuses on physics concepts, and makes them easy to understand through their game.
    • Spacebar Clicker: It is a very fun game to improve your typing speed and accuracy.
    • Retrohaunt: It combines  history topics with engaging storyline, helps in learning about history very easily.
    • The Maze of space goblins: This game helps kids to improve their critical thinking through games.
    • Ninja Vs Evil Corp: The game is specially designed to enhance the skill of problem solving in kids’ science childhood.

    Benefits Of Using EzClasswork

    Because EzClasswork has different games to play, which ultimately benefits the users in different ways.

    • Develop New Skills: This platform has different games to develop new skills in children with the help of fun interacting games.
    • Engage their users: The approach for game based learning keeps kids indulge in them and makes them motivated.
    • Customizable: It is also useful for teachers to customise it according to their needs.
    • Accessibility: It is very easily accessible, because it can run only on devices which have the internet.
    • Useful for Teachers: Through this application teachers can now track their students growth and they also upload the content like assignments and classes to make it more convenient for their students.

    Benefits of combining gaming with education With Ezclasswork

    Integrating the concept of gaming in the concept of education is quite successful because it has different benefits. Just like Ezclasswork helping kids.

    • Gaming helps kids to be more focused and motivated.
    • These fun games make every subject easy to learn for kids.
    • It also develops some skills in kids like critical thinking, problem solving, and makes them competitive.
    • Students also learn how to use and operate computers if they are playing computer devices.
    • Because, it is a fun concept. It engages students which helps them to be focused.

    Ezclasswork Vs Traditional Learning, What is the difference?

    The reason behind Ezclasswork stands out is because it uses innovative games integrated with educational concepts in order to make the learning easy for kids, Because games are something which every kid loves to play. Where on the other traditional platforms they use different videos, although it was not the wrong way of teaching, but students prefer more to learn from this. Traditional methods were basically an app based learning which has different videos of different concepts, which sometimes childrens find boring if they were not interesting but here is the different scenario, whenever they come on this play, kids cannot stop themselves from playing games.

    Future In Gaming Education

    When gaming is integrated with education it makes it easier to learn, because games make concept learning more easy. And the future of this integration will be successful because different games make learning fun. Kids enjoyed playing games a lot. Concepts of subjects like maths, science become easy to learn because of this. Future prediction about this concept of learning mighty be it Include: 

    • Artificial Intelligence: Gaming can be integrated with Artificial Intelligence In order to make it interesting and customizable for students.
    • Data Science: According to some source there might be possibility that these platform can use different data to provide more different games according to it.


    All the information mentioned in the above blog are meant only for information purposes .Using such platforms can be addictive therefore we recommend you to use this platform at your own risk.


    Gaming as an individual has very much potential and has a great future. But when it is combined with education it makes it more fun and easy for kids. Platforms like EzClasswork make it possible by combining both of these together, and making learning more fun and engaging. Lots of schools were now using this to educate their students with these.